If your children love to be active, it can be so fun to watch them play the sports they love! But what if your child has asthma and is always nervous to participate because of the risk of an asthma attack? Encouraging exercise while understanding your child’s hesitations can be a difficult thing to do. We know all about asthma and can offer some tips to help you understand how to better support your child. Read on →

If your children are athletes, you know how busy and full of activities your life can get! It seems like you are always on the go to get them to games, tournaments or camps. Do you know how you would react if your child came home from one of these activities complaining of an injury? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Hixson sees sports-related injuries all the time, and we can help you better understand the different types below. Read on →

The short answer is yes. Even though bones are remarkably adept at healing themselves, a fracture that isn’t treated quickly or correctly will become worse, as is the case with most medical issues. Our AFC Urgent Care Hixson team provides further information on fractures below, so keep reading! Are All Fractures the Same? No, they aren’t; there are actually many types of fractures. Some are much more serious than others, while some can be very small yet painful. Read on →

While only about 90,000 Americans are diagnosed with this heart issue every year, ventricular tachycardia is something to be on the lookout for—especially for those who have a history of heart issues, diabetes or high blood pressure. What is it, you ask? Our AFC Urgent Care Hixson center provides some helpful answers below, so keep reading. What Is Ventricular Tachycardia? Ventricular tachycardia (VT) is caused by irregular electrical signals in the ventricles. Read on →

Mesenteric adenitis is a relatively common condition, and although anyone at any age can get it, it most often affects children and teens. Despite its scary-sounding name, mesenteric adenitis isn’t usually very serious and will clear up on its own in a week or two in most cases. Read on to learn more from our AFC Urgent Care Hixson team. What Is Mesenteric Adenitis? Mesenteric adenitis (also known as mesenteric lymphadenitis) is the swelling of the lymph nodes in the mesentery, which attaches the intestine to the abdominal wall and holds it in place. Read on →

Whether you’re hiking a local trail, hanging out in your backyard or spending time on the baseball field, you’re going to encounter some sort of bug in its habitat. And when you do, sometimes they can get a little irked and bite or sting. Bug bites and stings are very common during the spring and summer and aren’t usually causes for much concern. How can you know that whatever sting or pain is caused by a bug bite, though, and not some other irritant? Read on →

Kidney stones are no joke. They can cause lots of pain, and they’re quite common among Americans: Nearly one in 10 people will deal with a kidney stone at some point in their lives. Read on to learn more about kidney stones from our AFC Urgent Care Hixson team! What Are Kidney Stones? Kidney stones are solid masses made of substances that have crystallized and fused together. The usually originate in the kidney, but they can develop anywhere along the urinary tract, which consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Read on →

Blooming trees and flowers paint a beautiful picture during the spring months. Watching the world wake back up after a long, winter slumber is an amazing thing to behold. Unfortunately, though, April and May come with their own problems for many. Millions of Americans suffer from allergy symptoms each spring, but why? Our AFC Urgent Care Hixson team elaborates below, so read on. Why Do I Struggle With Allergies in the Spring? Read on →

Although it’s painful, bruising is a part of life. Sometimes you can’t help bumping into something, knocking knees when you’re playing sports, or tripping and falling on the sidewalk. And when you get a bruise, you shouldn’t be worried in most cases. Our AFC Urgent Care Hixson team goes on to share more helpful info about bruises below, so keep reading. What Is a Bruise? Bruising occurs when you experience skin trauma and injure your tiny blood vessels under the skin. Read on →

Gastrointestinal (GI) diseases are no joke, and they’re actually quite common among Americans. Between 60 and 70 million people deal with them every year! Learn more about GI diseases and steps you can take toward preventing them from our AFC Urgent Care Hixson team below. What Is a GI Disease? GI disorders are problems with any of the organs along the gastrointestinal tract, which starts at the throat and ends at the anus. Read on →