Mononucleosis, or “mono” for short, is a common viral infection. Many teens and young adults will get this virus that spreads almost primarily through the transmission of saliva. While mono’s symptoms can linger for a long time in some cases, this viral infection isn’t typically considered a serious illness. Our AFC Urgent Care Hixson team further elaborates on mono below, so keep reading! What Is Mono? Mono is often referred to as the “kissing disease” because, like we said earlier, saliva is the most common way the virus is spread. Read on →

“Breakthrough” infections weren’t very common at all a few months ago. During the initial strain of COVID-19 and even during the delta variant, the CDC stated that breakthrough infections would be unlikely. With omicron, though, this is not the case. Why is that? Our AFC Urgent Care Hixson team highlights why breakthrough infections are more likely with the omicron variant below, so keep reading. What Are Breakthrough Infections? Breakthrough infections, according to the CDC, occur when a person tests positive for COVID-19 at least two weeks after being fully vaccinated, including receiving a booster dose when eligible. Read on →

Does it seem like many more people get sick with viruses during the winter? If this is a trend you’ve noticed, it’s not a coincidence. According to the CDC, the flu and other viruses reach their peak between December and February every year. Read on as our AFC Urgent Care Hixson team explains why this is the case! Does Cold Weather Have an Impact on Viral Activity? Yes, it does. Read on →

Croup is an infection that most parents with young children are aware of, but that doesn’t mean it’s an easy thing to deal with! While it’s true that croup is generally harmless, the cough that young children have to experience sounds awful and can be a cause for concern. Plus, croup is contagious! Learn more about this respiratory infection from our AFC Urgent Care Hixson team below. What Causes Croup? Read on →

Strep throat is more common this time of year. According to the CDC, between 11,000 and 13,000 strep throat cases happen each year, but they’re highly preventable and treatable. If you start to experience strep throat symptoms, though, it’s important to treat this infection ASAP. Our AFC Urgent Care Hixson team explains why below. What Is Strep Throat? Strep throat is a bacterial infection that is caused by a bacteria called Group A Streptococcus. Read on →

Thankfully, yes, there are. Although there is no cure for the flu since it’s a virus that will need to run its course, there are things you can do at home to reduce the severity of flu-related symptoms. Our AFC Urgent Care Hixson team provides some helpful info on the flu and its home treatments below, so keep reading! Can I Treat the Flu at Home? Sadly, the flu spreads every year. Read on →

Every year, one in four adults aged 65 or older will fall. Falls can result in devastating injuries like broken bones, and falling once can double the chances of a second fall. There are many ways to prevent falls from happening in your home, and our AFC Urgent Care Hixson team has listed several of the best prevention tactics below. Here’s what to do: Reduce clutter and keep the home tidy. Read on →

Many of us know what getting a sinus infection is like. We feel stopped up and off-kilter, but thankfully the symptoms typically subside after a few days. While nasal and throat congestion are two of the most common types of sinusitis symptoms, headaches are something to be on the lookout for, too. Our AFC Urgent Care Hixson team explains why below, so read on! What Is a Sinus Infection? The sinuses are air-filled spaces inside the forehead, cheekbones and behind the bridge of your nose. Read on →

The COVID-19 vaccine has recently been deemed safe for everyone ages 5 and up. This is great news—especially for schools. If you are planning to take your child to get the COVID-19 vaccine during flu season, it might be a good idea to get both at the same time. In fact, getting double-dosed has been deemed safe for children by the CDC and numerous medical experts. Our AFC Urgent Care Hixson team elaborates on that below, so keep reading! Read on →

Ringworm is a common fungal infection and doesn’t have anything at all to do with an actual worm. In fact, this type of infection was originally termed “ringworm” because of the way it forms circular rashes (rings) with redness and itchiness. Our AFC Urgent Care Hixson team provides some more information on ringworm below, so keep reading! What Causes Ringworm? Ringworm is a contagious fungal infection that can be caused by three different types of fungi: Trichophyton, Microsporum and Epidermophyton. Read on →