There are few things worse than having an upset stomach and feeling nauseous. This condition can completely throw off your day, making you feel like you can’t get too far from the toilet and limiting the foods and drinks you can enjoy. Luckily, our AFC Urgent Care Hixson team provides some ways you can treat your nausea at home, so keep reading! Here’s what to do: Avoid lying down. When the body is horizontal, the acid in the stomach is more likely to travel backward and move upward, which can make nausea worse. Read on →

A yeast infection occurs when the body’s natural yeast (Candida) grows out of control. Yeast infections most often develop in the vagina, but they can also develop in other moist areas on the body, such as the mouth, gut and throat. They can also happen to men, but it’s not very common. Women have a much higher risk of getting a yeast infection, so it’s important to be aware of what these infections look like when they occur! Read on →

Bronchitis is nothing to sneeze at. It’s a painful respiratory illness that can last much longer than anticipated, in addition to having the ability to lead to more serious illnesses, like pneumonia. Older adults (over the age of 65) and young children (under the age of 2) are most likely to get sick with bronchitis, but there are other risk factors that can make you more likely to develop this sickness. Read on →

STDs are quite a big problem in the United States today. In fact, one in five people has an STD, which is an all-time high. Getting tested for STDs is more important than you might realize, and it’s also quick and easy. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Hixson provides further helpful info about STDs below, so keep reading! Who Is at Risk of Getting an STD? Anyone who is sexually active with more than one person poses a risk of getting a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Read on →

If you’ve developed a rash this summer, you’re certainly not alone. It’s possible to get a rash during any time of the year, but rashes are more common during the summer months. Most rashes can be successfully treated at home, and our AFC Urgent Care Hixson team explains some effective ways you can treat your rash below. Here’s what to do: The first thing you should do before trying any home remedies is to avoid scratching the rash. Read on →

Pulled muscles are the worst, and they are certainly much more common to experience as you age. If you’ve pulled a muscle recently, what can you do to help it feel better and get back to living your previously active lifestyle? Our AFC Urgent Care Hixson team shares some helpful information below, so read on. When Does a Pulled Muscle Happen? Pulled muscles are often called muscle strains, and they typically happen when the affected muscle is either overstretched or contracted too quickly. Read on →

Cat bites can happen to anyone, and they certainly aren’t pleasant when they do happen. If your cat has bitten you and you aren’t sure what to do next, read on as our AFC Urgent Care Hixson team provides some helpful information on the necessary next steps. What Should I Do First for an Animal Bite? First, you should perform first aid on your bite wound. We’ve listed the necessary first-aid steps below. Read on →

Even though more and more people are getting vaccinated and COVID-19 cases have been declining as of late, it’s still possible to get the virus, plus other contagious illnesses as fewer and fewer people are wearing masks in public. If you believe you might be sick with COVID-19 or another contagious illness, like strep throat or the flu, it’s important to get a rapid test at our AFC center ASAP! Read on →

If you’ve spent much time outdoors, you’re probably no stranger to poison ivy or poison oak. If you’ve been fortunate enough, you’ve avoided coming in contact with these pesky plants, but if you haven’t been so fortunate, you’ve probably suffered a tremendously itchy rash. We know that both plants cause rashes, so what’s the difference between them? Find out below as our AFC Urgent Care Hixson team explains. What Are Poison Ivy and Poison Oak? Read on →

Picture this: You’re cutting up vegetables for dinner, the knife slips and you cut yourself on accident. What do you do? Do you just bandage up the wound and wait for it to heal on its own, or do you visit the doctor for more professional care? When dealing with cuts, it can be hard to know the answers to these questions, but our AFC Urgent Care Hixson team is here to help you feel better informed about what to do during those types of situations. Read on →