With the pandemic still looming and flu season afoot, it can be nerve-wracking to make decisions concerning family gatherings. It is even challenging to decide which shopping trips are necessary, what time to go and which stores are the best options. You are not alone in making these choices and navigating how to keep yourself and your family safe this season. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Hixson is here to help you stay healthy, so read on as we offer some tips for staying connected this holiday season! Read on →

Cleaning the sheets is an easy thing to forget to do, but it’s more important than you might think! Even though sheets get more and more comfortable over time, they also get dirtier and dirtier. Sleeping in dirty sheets may sound gross, but it’s easy to prevent and will have lasting benefits on your health! Our team at AFC Urgent Care Hixson highlights the importance of sheet-changing below. Why Change the Sheets? Read on →

With the coronavirus pandemic still lingering indefinitely, taking necessary health precautions is still a must. Many scientists and experts alike have driven home the importance of wearing masks in public, but why? If you are still confused as to why masks are important or what their significance is, read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Hixson provides some helpful information on masks and their importance. Do Masks Really Help? Read on →

Did you know? Experts recommend that adults use screens for around two hours per day. Most adults, however, look at screens for an average of 11 hours per day! This is a shocking number and is bound to cause some negative repercussions. Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Hixson walks you through how to stay healthy in a technologically dominated world. What Does Too Much Screen Time Do to My Body? Read on →

Cooking meals at home as opposed to eating out can be very beneficial. Not only can it save you money, it can have lasting health benefits. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Hixson encourages you to try cooking at home more often for the sake of your health. Read on to learn why. Why Is Cooking at Home a Good Idea? Sure, cooking at home is generally easier on the wallet, but making a home-cooked meal is a great way to improve your mental and physical health. Read on →

Pets are the best. They provide so much love and companionship, and they’ve been especially great to have during the year of the pandemic. We’ve had to make sure and protect ourselves from contracting the virus, but is it possible that we need to protect our sweet little pals from getting COVID-19, too? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Hixson is here to inform and set your mind at ease. Read on →

It’s perfectly normal to worry about COVID-19, an illness that has persisted in our country for months now, leading to hundreds of thousands of deaths. Even the slightest cough or tingling in your throat may make you a little anxious. But the reality is: Fall is here, and with it, fall allergies. Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Hixson offers some insight about allergy symptoms and how they differ from COVID-19 and other common fall health issues like the flu. Read on →

When you hear about COVID-19 being a virus, it’s natural to wonder if it’s related to the flu. But the answer is no. COVID-19 and the seasonal flu share similar symptoms—and they’re both viruses—but they are different. However, you can take steps to protect yourself this winter by boosting your immune system with a flu shot. Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Hixson shares some insight. Read on →

Did you know? Our knees love us, but we don’t always love them. Every year, we injure our knees badly enough to visit the emergency department at about the rate of 2.29 per 1,000 people. And as we age, years of wear and tear can lead to osteoarthritis in the knee. While injuries cause most knee pain in teens and young adults, knee pain from degenerative conditions becomes more frequent as we age. Read on →

Ever since you were young, you’ve been told you need to eat your veggies. But why? And how many do you really need? Because eating fruits and vegetables is such an important part of a healthy diet, our team at AFC Urgent Care Hixson is here to break down the answers to these questions and more. Read on for more! Why Are Vegetables Important? Let’s talk about both fruits and vegetables, actually. Read on →