How Can I Eat Healthier Every Day?

While some people might feel that eating healthy is hard, it can actually be quite simple!

Our team at AFC Urgent Care Hixson wants you to know how you can start eating healthier on a daily basis.

Why Is Healthy Eating So Important?

Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet can help you maintain a healthy weight, improve your mood, boost your immune system and lower your risk of many health conditions.

Tips to Eat Healthy

  • Eat whole foods whenever possible.
  • Be more mindful about what you eat.
  • Drink more water.
  • Don’t skip meals.
  • Keep healthy snacks handy.
  • Divide your plateā€”one half for fruits and veggies, one quarter for lean protein, and one quarter for whole grains.

How Can I Start Changing My Eating Habits?

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be ridiculously hard. It’s actually pretty simple. Aim to fill your plate with healthy foods, leaning on fruits and vegetables paired with lean protein.

Limit your consumption of excess sodium, added sugars and saturated fat.

Benefits of Healthy Eating

  • Controls weight
  • Improves mood
  • Combats diseases
  • Boosts energy
  • Improves longevity

Do you suffer from high cholesterol or diabetes? Visit our AFC Urgent Care Hixson location today to discuss how a healthy diet can positively affect your overall health.