What Do Healthcare Providers Need to Know In a Sports Physical?

If your child is set to play team sports this spring, you’re probably already aware that he or she needs a sports physical first. But, why? And what is it that doctors and healthcare providers need to know that makes these exams so important?

Our AFC Urgent Care Hixson team has some answers, so read on.

What Medical Information Does My Healthcare Provider Need to Know?

To give you a little background, there are two main parts of a physical: the medical questionnaire and the physical exam. The former involves a series of simple questions that ask about the child’s medical history, which is filled out by the parent.

In general, the questionnaire covers family illnesses, past illnesses and previous injuries. We’ve listed some more things your doctor or healthcare provider will need to know below.

Medical Info Your Doctor Will Need to Know

  • Serious illnesses among family members
  • Illnesses that your child currently has or had when he or she was younger, such as asthma, diabetes or epilepsy
  • Previous hospitalizations or surgeries
  • Allergies (to insect bites, for example)
  • Past injuries, including concussions, sprains or bone fractures
  • Whether your child has ever passed out, felt dizzy, had chest pain or had trouble breathing during exercise
  • Any medications that your child is on, including things like over-the-counter medications, herbal supplements and prescription medications

What About the Physical Exam?

After you’ve answered all of the medical questions, your doctor will move on to the physical part of the exam.

We’ve listed the common components and order of the physical exam below.

Common Components of Physical Exam

  • Height and weight will be recorded.
  • The doctor will take note of blood pressure and heart rates.
  • A simple vision test will be performed on your child.
  • Primary and sensory organs will be evaluated, such as the lungs, ears, nose and throat.
  • Lastly, your child’s joints, overall strength, flexibility and posture will be checked.

From Hixson Middle to Middle Valley Elementary, our AFC Urgent Care Hixson can perform your child’s sports physical, so don’t hesitate to visit us!