‘Tis the season for all of the fun seasonal gatherings, holiday traditions and delicious food! The holidays are here, and we are so excited about it. While we are all busy planning for the upcoming parties and other seasonal events, getting sick in the thick of it all is always a possibility. A single infection at this time of year could spread throughout your entire family and make everyone really sick, causing you to miss out on the best traditions and the most fun family events. Read on →

RSV can seem like a scary virus, and sometimes it is! RSV can infect anyone at any time, but the fall and winter months tend to experience higher caseloads because everyone is inside and spending more time closer together. Most adults will only experience mild symptoms when infected with RSV, but children and infants can have a much harder time overcoming the illness. Read on as our AFC Urgent Care Hixson team explains more about RSV and the warning signs to watch for that should prompt urgent medical attention. Read on →

It can seem like a constant battle to keep your kids healthy at this time of year. RSV, COVID-19, strep throat and the flu are all circulating right now, and your children will come into contact with them at some point at school, on the bus or while out and about. While avoiding illness entirely is not possible, taking preventive steps now can help them stay healthier throughout the season. Read on →

Getting sick is always inconvenient no matter what you come down with. A scratchy throat, lingering cough and a fever can make it really hard to get anything done! Feeling better is everyone’s top priority in these situations, but it can be hard to find the right treatment if you don’t know what you have. Since many illnesses cause similar symptoms, it can be difficult to tell what illness you have on your own. Read on →

What a crazy few years we have had as a community! We dealt with a worldwide pandemic and a mysterious illness for years as our talented medical community dedicated their lives to protecting us and keeping us healthy. We are grateful that the emergency status for COVID-19 has expired, but we also know that COVID-19 still remains in our community and has the ability to make people very sick. Read on →

Each passing year is a blessing in its own way. You get to meet new people, have more life experiences and spend more time with your loved ones. There are, however, some risks that increase when you age. One of those risks is at-home falls. Tripping or slipping when you are younger was typically not a big deal. You would hit the ground but probably be able to pop back up with nothing more than a bruise. Read on →

Your lungs have the important job of breathing in oxygen and transporting that fresh air throughout your entire body. Each inhale is important to your health and well-being! If you inhale something other than oxygen into your lungs, it can have a directly negative impact on your organs and your overall health. Tobacco smoke is a compound that is incredibly irritating to your body and will increase your risk of certain diseases and physical changes. Read on →

There are so many ways to get sick or be out of balance somewhere in your body. Our bodies are incredibly complex and any sort of deviation or trouble with one of our systems can lead to unpleasant symptoms or generally feeling unwell. Since there is so much going on in your body at any given time, it can be hard to pinpoint a diagnosis on your own at home! Read on →

Oh, summer, we love you! The sunny days and warm breezes can make any event or family function much more fun and pleasant. One thing we don’t like, however, is the increase in bugs and creepy-crawlies out and about. Most bugs aren’t harmful and are just annoying, but some of them can bite or sting—and it hurts! Our AFC Urgent Care Hixson team explains more about some different bug bites to help you identify what got you, so read on to learn more. Read on →

Sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs, are incredibly common across the country. Did you know that one in five Americans will contract one in a given year? With those odds, it is always possible for you to wonder if you need to get tested. We encourage regular STD testing for those who are sexually active, and we are the place that you can come to for a quick and accurate test. Read on →