As you get older, it becomes more common for those around you to start experiencing memory troubles or develop different forms of dementia. You might begin to wonder if and when this will happen to you! Memory conditions and dementia can be scary to think about, but there are a few things you can do to support your brain throughout your life to reduce your risk. Dementia affects over 55 million people worldwide, making it a really common condition that affects the older population. Read on →

No one ever wants to get hurt, but it happens. Even if you live an active lifestyle and do your best to avoid injury, getting hurt occasionally is just part of life. While a simple sprain or strain will eventually heal on its own, what should you do if your pain is lingering or getting worse instead of better? Come to AFC Urgent Care Hixson, of course! Our team is trained to diagnose and treat a wide variety of injuries, including broken bones. Read on →

When you get sick, it can be hard to know what you are suffering from on your own. Many different illnesses share symptoms, especially GI conditions or infections. If you start experiencing a fever, diarrhea and stomach cramps a few days after eating some questionable food, it may be salmonella. Salmonella is a type of infection that you can contract after coming into contact with salmonella bacteria, and it can make you feel pretty sick for a few days. Read on →

If summer is your favorite season, you definitely aren’t alone in that thought! The summer months are a favorite among many due to the warm days and bright sunshine. As you get ready to have a summer to remember, it is important to protect yourself against the dangers of the sun. Even though the sun can feel really nice on your skin, do what you can to minimize long-term exposure. Read on →

We often take our bones for granted. Even though we need them every day to provide our bodies with structure and protection, we don’t usually think about them until we suffer a fracture. Building strong bones in childhood can help set your little ones up for a healthy life and fewer bone issues as they age. Did you know that your bones keep remodeling and changing, even after you are done growing? Read on →

The warmer days are finally here! As we dust off our spring clothes and tackle our spring-cleaning projects, nature is starting to bloom as well. While many of us welcome the blooming flowers and trees, those with seasonal allergies may not. Seasonal allergies can cause minor symptoms, or they can be severe enough to cause widespread discomfort all over your body. If you experience seasonal allergies in the spring, our team at AFC Urgent Care Hixson is here to help you find relief. Read on →

The pandemic certainly changed how health care was provided to communities across not only the country, but the entire world. COVID-19’s emergency status in the United States is ending in May, which means that there will be some changes coming to the medical community and the availability of telemedicine. What won’t be changing, however, is the benefit of an in-person medical visit at AFC Urgent Care Hixson! In addition to providing high-quality medical care, our staff truly care about our community and we are proud to be our city’s No. Read on →

There are many different reasons why your ear might start to ache. Simple weather or elevation changes, allergies, and sinus issues are all common and easily treatable situations. But your ear pain could also be due to an ear infection. Ear infections are one of the most common forms of infection, so don’t panic if you think this is your diagnosis. Our AFC Urgent Care Hixson team can evaluate you and discuss treatment options! Read on →

If the winter months aren’t your favorite season, you certainly are not alone! The winter season can come with its own struggles and less-than-ideal outdoor environments at times. Did you know that the change in season can actually affect your mood as well? Daily sunlight exposure is important in maintaining our vitamin D levels as well as helping us keep our hormone levels in balance to avoid symptoms of a mental health condition called seasonal affective disorder. Read on →

We are still in the heart of flu and respiratory infection season, though there may be some hope on the horizon! While the later winter months and beginning of spring tend to trend downward when it comes to cases of viral infection, it is still important to be on the lookout for symptoms of illness. Upper respiratory infections like bronchitis and pneumonia can occur at any point in the year, so knowing the symptoms that indicate these two infections can help you determine what you are suffering from. Read on →